P e a k  D i s t r i c t  2 0 0 4

I wanted 1 week's holiday, they gave me 1 day.
Add in a saturday and a sunday, fine hospitality at Spud and Bill's place, Spud on tour guide duty, and that makes:
   - 3 rides
   - 6 punctures
   - 1 ripped tyre
   - 1 snapped chain
   - 4 sets of worn out brake pads

Click the pictures for bigger versions (then use your Back button)...

Well you can tell by the way I walk my walk,
I'm a woman's man, no time to talk

Helmet moving around on rocky descents?
Simply wear it backwards and grin like a madman

Stream crossing near Ladybower Reservoir
(Zoomed - rather fuzzy thanks to disposable camera technology)

Same stream crossing, full scenic version

09.30 monday morning in the
Pennine Bridleway office

The bottom of Jacob's Ladder.
Apparently it is possible to ride to the top, but
we found walking to be just as effective

A fine misty day at the top of Jacob's Ladder.
Only 1 long downhill and 2 punctures to go!